The Plans section focuses on mostly structural design decisions relating to the construction of FarinHaus. It is a series of blog posts organized by category. the categories appear in the drop down menu under Plans. The following categories are in this section. Only those with a blog post will appear.
- Design Objectives – While FarinHaus is an exciting concept, before beginning design it is important to list and discuss objectives. This series of blog posts will hopefully lead to an agreed upon set of objectives.
- Tradeoffs – Every plan is a compromose behind tradeoffs. This series of posts will identify and discuss the tradoffs considered in the design.
- Selecting Plans – Not all plans are created equal. Some come closer to meeting your needs than others. Some may have structural flaws, or may not be well suited to your part of the country or world. This series of posts will share what we have learned from evaluating, purchasing and reviewing plans.
- Trailer Selection – If FarinHaus is to be mobile it needs to ride on a trailer. This series of posts will go through the thought process in selecting the trailer that will serve as the foundation of FarinHaus.
- Main Floor Design – By our definition, the main floor is the sandwich of materials that sits on the deck of the trailer including the main floor bottom cover, the floor joists, the insulation, and the upper subfloor. This series of posts will share our thought process in making more decisions than a sandwhich this simple should require.
- Wall Design – The focus here will be on the exterior walls that extend up to the place where the roof joins the house. If dormers are used it will include the dormer walls that sit on top of the main walls. On the short walls, gables will also need to be designed. This series of posts will discuss the decisions made in designing the exterior walls including dimension lumber sizing, headers, insulation, exterior siding as well as a number of other issues.
- Loft Design – In FarinHaus, the lofts serve a dual purpose. They are a place to stow stuff and a place to rest sleepy heads. The rafters also serve as cross ties preventing an outward collapse of the two long exterior load bearing walls. This series of posts will discuss decisions made in designing the lofts and cross ties.
- Roof Design – with roofs you need to deal with pitches, rafters, dormers, skylights, snow loads, roof type, roofing materials, venting, insulation, and a number of other mysterious issues. this series of posts will take you through the most frightening set of decisions in the entire house.
- Window/Door Selection – This section comes down to size, method of opening, asthetics, insulation, and quality of construction. this series of posts will explain how we worked through these issues.